
Preaching to the Choir
A review of Megan Phelps-Roper’s Unfollow

Gang of Five
A review of Leta Hong Fincher’s Betraying Big Brother


Platform Issues
A dispatch from the 2018 National Forum on Ethics and Archiving the Web

The Zayhive
A report from Zadie Smith’s book launch for Feel Free

Choice Words
An article on Masha Gessen’s 2017 New York Public Library lecture

The New Republic

Painted Out of Government Art
An essay on the importance of funding congressional portraits


In HBO's New Documentary, Tragedy is Black and White
A review of 3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets

The Tao of Justin Bobby
A profile of The Hills star Justin Bobby and his band

To Drink or Not to Drink with Mila Kunis
A dispatch from a Jim Beam event with Mila Kunis

A Grip of Major Actresses Drop Bombs on Sexism in Hollywood

The Daily Dot

After a bad breakup, who gets the Netflix and HBOGo passwords?


Why on earth is everyone moving to Texas?

A volcanic eruption just created the world's newest island

Taipei Times

Taiwan's tech industry looks to app development

Diplomat by day, chef by night